Sexbot: A humanoid which is designed to be used for sexual purposes.
The dehumanization of sex and commercialization of sex with simulated people - mainly women
It is particularly women who suffer discrimination and enforced objectification due to sexbots, because the overwhelming majority of sexbots are designed to represent the female form, (arguably also a very one sided view of it), with the majority of manufacturers of the sexbots being males. This also results in the diminishing of what it is to be a complex human woman through creating a simulation that is instead designed purely to please their owner sexual and do their bidding;
"Gendered ideas make robots that conform to gender norms, which then perpetuates existing stereotypes." The creation of sexbot humanoids offers the simulation of complete dominance of (typically) males over females, sending the message that sex is “for men to get from women or do to women, not a thing to be mutually enjoyed by two people”. Designed for typically heterosexual men to serve as an always-willing partner, sexbots enable men to act as any fantasy that they choose without quarrel, only a simulation of enjoyment. One such fantasy, is rape. |
"(Sexbots) encourage a man to have an unhealthy relationship towards women."
- Sex therapist Dr Marta Helliesen ('My Sex Robot' Documentary, 2010) |
Sexbot company True Companion have designed a sexbot called 'Friggid Farrah' - frigid itself being a derogatory word used to insult women for decades for them not wanting to have sex with a certain man. 'Farrah's' design allows for the simulation of rape, for if you touch certain areas of her body, the sexbot will not 'appreciate' your advances. There is a petition to have the sexbot removed and to highlight that rape is a crime and should not be glorified or encouraged in any form.
It has been suggested that the use of sexbots can be an ‘alternative’ for rapists and pedophiles. However it is doubtful that the argument of ‘better its the robot’ would thought to be utilized should the use of humanoids be suggested to be used for any other sinister outlet than the commercialization of simulated women being used for sexual gain. As Philosophy Professor and robot ethicist Patrick Lin of California Polyechnic states; “Imagine treating racism by letting a bigot abuse a brown robot. Would that work? Probably not. The ethics of sex robots goes beyond whether anyone is physically harmed.” The normalization of such behaviours through the encouragement of utilizing sexbots for such purposes, as well as giving predators a taste of their 'fantasies'. can actually "encourage pedophilia and make it acceptable to assault children”. The report 'Our Sexual Future with Robots' from Responsible Robotics concludes that “Allowing people to live out their darkest fantasies with sex robots could have a pernicious effect on society and societal norms and create more danger for the vulnerable.” Samantha has already been “molested” at the Arts Electronica Festival in Linz, where men behaved like “barbarians”, mounting her breasts, resulting in Samantha having broken fingers and being “heavily soiled."
There is a danger that the use of sexbots may dehumanize sex, with it being suggested that it is of the "greatest concern... how sex robots will affect men’s ability to identify and understand consent in sexual interactions with women. Widespread use of sex robots will promote user’s antisocial practices and impair the dignity of women."
The reality is that sexbots are already upon us, although some countries are already making moves to ban them entirely. What we can do now, is work within the policies that we have and where needed, improve them to better protect peoples rights from being harmed either directly or indirectly as a result of sexbots. The research and reactions thus far does not stand very in favour of the creation.
Should the industry of sexbots want to continue, and if there is a market growth to enable them to do so, there would urgently need to be an in-depth evaluation of the potential and evident risks with further exploration into the arguments which claim that sexbots prevent predators from harming humans, as currently their is no research which provides evidentiary support for this claim. Should sexbots be here to stay, regulation and ethical management is desperately needed.
It has been suggested that the use of sexbots can be an ‘alternative’ for rapists and pedophiles. However it is doubtful that the argument of ‘better its the robot’ would thought to be utilized should the use of humanoids be suggested to be used for any other sinister outlet than the commercialization of simulated women being used for sexual gain. As Philosophy Professor and robot ethicist Patrick Lin of California Polyechnic states; “Imagine treating racism by letting a bigot abuse a brown robot. Would that work? Probably not. The ethics of sex robots goes beyond whether anyone is physically harmed.” The normalization of such behaviours through the encouragement of utilizing sexbots for such purposes, as well as giving predators a taste of their 'fantasies'. can actually "encourage pedophilia and make it acceptable to assault children”. The report 'Our Sexual Future with Robots' from Responsible Robotics concludes that “Allowing people to live out their darkest fantasies with sex robots could have a pernicious effect on society and societal norms and create more danger for the vulnerable.” Samantha has already been “molested” at the Arts Electronica Festival in Linz, where men behaved like “barbarians”, mounting her breasts, resulting in Samantha having broken fingers and being “heavily soiled."
There is a danger that the use of sexbots may dehumanize sex, with it being suggested that it is of the "greatest concern... how sex robots will affect men’s ability to identify and understand consent in sexual interactions with women. Widespread use of sex robots will promote user’s antisocial practices and impair the dignity of women."
The reality is that sexbots are already upon us, although some countries are already making moves to ban them entirely. What we can do now, is work within the policies that we have and where needed, improve them to better protect peoples rights from being harmed either directly or indirectly as a result of sexbots. The research and reactions thus far does not stand very in favour of the creation.
Should the industry of sexbots want to continue, and if there is a market growth to enable them to do so, there would urgently need to be an in-depth evaluation of the potential and evident risks with further exploration into the arguments which claim that sexbots prevent predators from harming humans, as currently their is no research which provides evidentiary support for this claim. Should sexbots be here to stay, regulation and ethical management is desperately needed.
Article 15(b) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, (1966), states that all citizens of state parties should “enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications”. However, if the female gender is being objectified as a part of the innovation, then they are not being provided with equal opportunity to enjoy this right.
For more information see the Campaign Against Sex Robots
T h i n k L o n g - T e r m
T h i n k G l o b a l T h i n k E t h i c a l |